Public Service Superannuation Plan
Effective July 1, 2015 the Acadia University Pension Plan has transferred to the Public Service Superannuation Plan. Plan members will receive an annual statement as at December 31 each year.
Please visit the NS Pension Services Cooperation website for Plan details:
PSSP Contact Information:
1-800-774-5070 (toll free in NS)
902-424-5070 (local)
902-424-5070 (long distance)
Fax: 902-424-0662
Email: info@nspension.ca
Mailing Address: PO Box 371, Halifax, NS B3J 2P8
Street Address: Suite 700, 4th Floor, Purdy's Landing, 1949 Upper Water Street, Halifax, NS B3J 3N3
Website: www.novascotiapension.ca
Follow the PSSP Twitter Feed: @yourNSPSSP